• 5th Grade Reading Club Information

    Image result for book clipart

    Dear Parent/Guardian, 


    Your child is invited to participate in Fifth Grade Reading Club. In reading club, your child will select a book to read and will work with other students on fun reading activities.


    The club will be held every Tuesday from February 6, 2023- March 12, 2024. This club takes place afterschool and your child must have transportation home. Pick up takes place promptly at 4:35 at the front doors of the building. You must sign your child out. Students who are picked up late will not be allowed to participate in future club meetings. 


    We are looking forward to our first club meeting and hope to see your child there! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: 


    Mrs. Heddy: jheddy@swregional.org    

    Mrs. Mulvaney: rmulvaney@swregional.org 


                    5th Grade Reading Club

    Name (first and last) _______________________________________________


    Homeroom:____________    Bus Number: _________ 


    Does your child attend aftercare? Please circle one:  Y  or  N


    Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number: ____________________


    Please make us aware of any medical conditions including allergies. 

    This will be kept confidential. _______________________________


    Parent Signature:___________________________________________

    *This form is due: January 12, 2023