Student Registration

  • The following are required for registration;

    Registration Form
    Medical History Form (Physical Examination Form to be completed by physician.)
    Home Language Survey
    Student Residency Declaration

    In addition to the forms indicated, please bring copies of the following:

    1) Your child’s Birth Certificate

    2) Your child’s immunization record and physical examination (within one year).

    3) Proof of Residency as listed below:

    One required:

    - Deed/Closing Statement
    - Current Property Tax Bill     
    - Current Lease/Rental Agreement


    Three required:

    - Government Issued Identification
    - Credit card bill
    - Current Gas bill
    - Current Cable Bill
    - Current Water/sewer Bill
    - Current Electrical Bill
    - Current Cell Phone Bill
    - Bank Statement
    - Homeowner Insurance
    - Auto Insurance
    - Pay Stub from Employer

    4) Parent(s)/guardian(s) driver's license or government ID with valid Sussex/Wantage physical address.

    973-875-3175  Jen Armstrong  
    Email if you have any questions.

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