Superintendent's Updates

  • June 8, 2020

    Please read the following important end of school year information from Superintendent Gall;

    Important End of School Year Information June 8 2020

    March 6, 2020


    Letter from Mr Gall regarding Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) 


    March 4, 2020

    Letter from Mr Gall regarding Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)


    Dear Parents and Guardians:

    I am writing to inform you that after dismissal yesterday, Wednesday, September 11, 2019 our licensed pest control contractor applied a pesticide to an exterior area of Lawrence School due to a wasp, bee, or yellow-jacket nest. The area was on the soccer field side of the building and has been cautioned off. Rest assured, that the District will continue to be vigilant to identify pests, conducting thorough inspections of our schools and using only licensed pest control specialists.  This emergency application was deemed necessary due to the potential of an allergic reaction from wasp, bee, and yellow-jacket stings.

    For your information, an emergency pesticide use notification is attached to this email.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to Mr. Frank Pietrowski, our Director of Building and Grounds."


    Michael Gall
    Sussex-Wantage Regional School District
    27 Bank Street
    Sussex, NJ 07461

    Attachment; Emergency Notification Sep 11 2019

    Opening Letter August 2019

    Click here to read an important letter from Superintendent Gall

     1/18/2019 UPDATE - Loss of Power CEL - Water

    Dear Parents and Guardians of Clifton E. Lawrence School Students,

     This message is to update you on a loss of power and water that the Clifton E. Lawrence School experienced on January 15th. You may recall that the school lost power and well water service for approximately 30 minutes due to a squirrel interacting with power lines. This was a separate incident from last week in which a fuse blew out causing a loss of well water.  Power was ultimately restored and school resumed activities. However, due to the loss of power, length of power outage, and water pressure, we needed to have our water retested in accordance with State regulations. During these circumstances, our results have consistently come back satisfactory and at this time, we have once again received satisfactory test results and resumed normal operations.

    Please be aware that the health and well being of everyone at the school is our first priority. Accordingly, at the onset of these issues, we notified the Sussex County Department of Health and State officials to request guidance and oversight in resolving them. They have visited the school and assisted us through this process. Students and staff were provided with bottled water for drinking and hand washing along with hand sanitizer. Our cafeteria staff also modified the lunch menu throughout the process to ensure safety.

    Please rest assured that we will continue to work diligently with our engineers to develop long term strategies to address issues of this nature. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused and appreciated your patience.

    1/15/2019 Brief Loss of Power CEL - Water

    Dear Parents, Guardians, Faculty, and Staff,

    This message is to update you on a loss of power that the Clifton E. Lawrence School experienced today. The school lost power for approximately 30 minutes today due to a squirrel interacting with power lines.  Power was restored and school resumed normal activities. However, out of an abundance of caution, we will need to have our water retested. Students and staff will continue to be provided with bottled water until we receive satisfactory results. This has not impacted our lunch program and we will continue to use bottled water as necessary. We apologize for any inconvenience that this causes and appreciate your patience. We will continue to update you as necessary. Thank you and have a nice day.

    1/14/2019  UPDATE: Precautionary Water Advisory CEL  

            Good morning with a Clifton E. Lawrence School water update. We have been notified that our water test results are satisfactory. The school has resumed normal operations. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused and sincerely appreciate your patience.  Have a nice day!

     Please see attached an additional precautionary notice concerning this matter that is posted throughout the Clifton E. Lawrence School. 

     Precautionary Water Advisory CEL

    10/5/2018 Letter from Superintendent Gall

          Click here to review a letter from Superintendent Gall  October 5, 2018

    9/18/18 Letter from Superintendent Gall

           Click here to review a letter from Superintendent Gall  September 18, 2018

     9/14/18 Letter from Superintendent Gall

           Click here to review a letter from Superintendent Gall  September 14, 2018

    9/8/2018 SMS Security Concern Information

         Click here to review a letter from Superintendent Gall  September 8, 2018
            This notification supplements an additional email notification sent directly to SMS parent and guardians.

    8/28/2018  Asbestos Abatement-Sussex-Middle School Basketball Court Renovation Project

          Click here to review Letter from Superintendent Gall  August 25 2018 

          Click here to review Letter from Superintendent Gall  August 28 2018

    8/2018  Welcome Letter from Superintendent Gall August 2018

    5/31/2018 Letter to Parents regarding Security Guards May 31 2018